Sunday, September 23, 2007
Church is the people of God...
Anyway, gotta go study for the upcoming exams, so I'll just leave you with a quizcourtesyofLamentationsahaahaahayoucantblamemeforstealinganythingHA! Enjoy:
20 Questions
1. Someone knocks on your door at 2am, who do you want it to be?
Jesus, telling me it's time to come back home and enjoy Paradise!
2. Your boss tells you he/she will give you a $20 raise if you'll do your job naked, do you stay and take the raise?
Nope. I treasure my privacy.
3. Put yourself in a nutshell.
Hmm, that's an odd quiz question.
4. Ever seen a ghost?
Nope, but I've felt the Holy Ghost run through me! It was a shiok feeling!
5. Happy with your body?
Muscles here, medium Asian-black hair there, hazel eyes and a few speckles of birthmarks on my arms. Yeah, I'm pretty satisfied with the way God created me!
6. A reason to move to iceland.
With all due respect, I'd prefer New Zeland. Yay, Queenstown!
7. A place you've lived you miss ?
I can't remember much about what it was like living back at Island View, so I don't think I can say I miss staying there, now can I?
8. A job you never do, no matter how much you were paid?
Anything against the ways of God.
9. a band/group you thought was cool when you were 13.
Hmm, a year ago, eh? Dunno, I forgot :P have a nightmare, who's the first person you think to call?
Jesus! He saves! Butn most of the time when I have nightmares, I usually realise it's just a dream a few minutes before I wake up. :S
11.wanna have kids before you're 30?
Depends on when I get married and how stable my income is.
12.a memory from high school.
Not applicable at the momment.
13.ever had a crush on a friend's parent?
Not applicable at all. you look more like your mom or dad?
My Dad, actually. I once got a shock when I was wondering what I was doing in a black-and-white photo of MacRitchie when I later found out it was my Dad at 12-years-old! :S
15.something you've always wanted to learn to do.
Learn how to play the Saxaphone or the Guitar. Slowly giving up on the guitar, though :( you'd like your life to be in 10 years.
At the age of 24, eh? Successful in a good university, I guess.
17.something you learned this year.
*digs through textbooks* "Simultaneous Linear Equations". Cool.
18.what do you want for your birthday?
God to show me once again that He love's me! :D 4 things you did yesterday.
Visiting Han Jie's Church is all I can remember now, sorry :S
20.last item you bought yourself.
A couple of bottles of H-two-O to nurish me along my trip through Henderson Industrial Park.
Luke 8:48!!! God bless y'all!!!
Emergencia: Seguir Siendo Por Favor Tranquilo...
"Saludos, pasajeros. This is your pilot speaking.
"Thank you for flying with us on SpadesAir, but unfortunately this blogcraft is under heavy examination-revision turbulance. Please return to your seats and strap on your seatbelts properly. The crew wil be doing our best to maintain the flight back to normal as soon as we can navigate our way through the exams. For now, there must not be any posting at all within cabins.
"This is crutial for our navigation as it will afect our flight (and my IB status). Please remain calm and grasp firmly on the chairarms.
"Thank you for your cooperation, and we pray that you'll have a safe journey ahead. May God be with us al*static*..."
Sunday, September 16, 2007
The next Step of Faith...
Anyway, let's start from the beginning. (Yester)Day starts with me eating Breakfast and all at around 8. The family was discussing as usual on events that we'd be involved in for the day and questions would be raised if the car would be near-by for pick-up. That night was going to be the gathering of a few of Mom and Dad's ex-schoolmates from back in their NUS days, so we needed to be sure the family could arrive at Uncle Jo's house by 7.
I then raised that before I went to Mom's office to meet Dad to collect my new pants, I needed to go to BPP to get a haircut. So they decided to assign me the task of buying doughnuts for the night's deserts along my way, giving me extra change before leaving for work.
At around 10, I packed my slingbag with my Bible, my pencilbox, a notepad, a piece of Chinese fulscap and an unbrella (since by now it was already pouring). I arranged with Auntie Lala to meet her and Morriel at BPP at 11.30 since we'd need to go to Mom's office together. I then left for the bus stop and took a bus to BPP (Bukit Panjang Plaza, for those who still haven't figured out) and went to the '$10 barber'.
On the way there, I passed by the Missy Doughnut shop and checked the variety of doughnuts I could choose from. Dad told me to buy a couple of 11-doughnuts sets, so that gives me a lot of flexibility on what to get. After typing a rough list into my phone, I went on the barber to get a slight trim.
After that, I went to Missy Doughnut to collect the doughnuts and pay for them. I then staggered around the plaza with the big plastic bag of doughnut boxes while calling Auntie Lala and telling her I'd meet her at the Taxi Stand.
We then waited there in the queue for the next few minutes before getting a taxi to Mom's office. Once there at the office, I helped Dad out with some accountings before we went off to HarbourFront to collect the tailor-made pants Dad ordered for me. To our frustrating dissapointment, however, the tailor was a 'good-for-nuthin' cheapskate who didn't even tailor the pants the way we wanted it.
My Dad specifically wanted me to have buttons at the waist so I could easily adjust the rim whenever I go to gala buffets and all. But not only did this guy ignore that instruction, he also made the waistline just right to fit my waist, making it conciderably tight if I even ate a spoonful. (Note to inexperienced tailors: When your customers say that the pants fit just right, you're in BIG trouble. This is code for 'Punk, this thing will burst the momment I breathe!')
My Dad and the tailor quarrelled in Hokkien, and they somehow could still sustain smiles amist the shouting. I praised the Lord for the smiling part, because there were European/American tourists passing by and from their looks I could tell they thought my Dad and the guy were best friends that were having such an exciting conversation. I just gave the poker face back at the tailor, then followed my Dad out of the stall before having a meal with him.
He then dropped me off at Suntec City for D.A.R.E., and as I walked into Tower 3/4 I sighed frightfully. For those who don't know, D.A.R.E. is the Youth Ministry of New Creation Church (the Church that owns the Rock Auditorium, which also owns the latest development at onenorth.). It stands for Dead And Resurrected Eagles, and quoting from the Church website they 'believe that we are called to rise up with wings as eagles, soaring high above the circumstances of life. We are no longer who we used to be because we are dead to our old nature through Christ’s death for us on the cross. Because of Jesus who gives us His resurrection life, our lives are characterised by strength and victory! We are therefore dead to sin and alive to God!'
In the 3 years I spent in New Creation Church, (Oh boy, flashbacks...) I knew that the Youth Ministry exsisted. It was just that, I was too shy to join. Too scared to join an environment I'd have no one there to introduce me to, even if God Himself was the one in charge. And with the fact that I graduated from the Children's Ministry back in City Mission's Fellowship before this, this left me to join the Main Service to see Pastor Prince himself preach the Word of God.
Then around the start of this year, I decided it was about time I spent my walk with Christ with a cell group to, 'cause the Joy of the Lord must be shared with fellow brothers and sisters of Christ. So I prayed for God to lead me somewhere, and soon enough God took me to Ben's Church at Beauty World Plaza and Tim's Church at Prinsep Street. With my shyness, I avoided trying out D.A.R.E., thinking that it was too hard for me to re-addapt on my own.
Through a verse, a few people who never knew my 'quest' and a song, God then prompted me to stay at Prinsep Church and also to join the Believers. I somehow became excited and immediately told Tim I was joining. I then did my best to heal from the culture shock and learn to addapt, later to learn that these things are best left for God to deal with.
Then the musical came, and rehersals at the Believers were taking the whole of my Sundays, so my Mom was telling me to change Church since Dad was already feeling very concerned. And Dad, being a non-believer, wouldn't understand how my relationship with God would help me. So I worked rather hard in the musical to make sure it was something that'll tell them that the time was well-spent.
It was also during this time where I got to know the Believers better (and in the process, learn a few names :P). I must say I've truely made a few friends, although at some points I thought I was being looked down at. Even Auntie Uli was a great comfort to talk to during these times, impressively blending God and reality such that there was no distinction between the two; The correct way we're suppose to live our lives!
On the opening night of the musical, Mom and Dad were there with Morriel to watch, and they were very amazed with what the Believers could do. While we were out for supper after the show was over, they admitted to me that they had always supported my decisions and where I wanted to go, but their only concern was if I could plan my time out wisely to siut my needs along with the needs of my commitments.
I knew very well they were sincere about their point, and was willing to take the chalendge on. Then I realised that the coming Saturday, the D.A.R.E. group was meeting at the Rock Auditorium for another get-together-and-know-the-Lord kinda thing. I somehow had to courage and eagerness to want to go, just this once. My Mom also asked me to go too, so I decided I might as well give it a shot.
And there I was, standing in front of the Rock Auditorium's doors, wondering why they were locked. I went to the Christian bookshop nextdoor and asked the counter if they knew where the service was. They told me to take the lift and go up to the 6th floor, of which with my prior experience I knew was the Overflow Level.
I went as instructed, and in the lift there were a few teenage girls talking about Christ so I knew I was in the right direction. The momment the doors opened at the 6th level, Christian Rock music blasted towards us, making me jump a little. I then saw that there was a crowd around the lobby due to a breakdance competition, so I tried to make my way though it to somewhere less dense.
While walking, I was suddenly tagged on by a stranger who asked if I was new to the place. I said yes, of which he told me his name (which I couldn't hear in the midth of girls cheering for their dancing mentors) and so he led me to the New Comers' Lounge. And lo and behold, I met two people in the lounge who I knew rather well.
David Hu and Zack Tan was (by the grace of God) there, and the momment I saw them I was greatly relieved with the comfort that there were people in D.A.R.E. who I knew. i then sub-registered myself to the club ('sub-' since I was already a member) and then they told me a rough guide to how things work around these parts.
We then went out of the lounge to join in the party, of which was about the same time the doors to the Overflow Room were open for us to enter for the service. I rushed into the room quickly before the crowd trampled over me, and found a spot with David and Zack somewhere near a stagelamp stand.
Once everyone was settled, it was apparently time for us to stand up and do a little dance. Instructors on stage thought us a few moves before letting us try it out, and I have to admit a lot of ice in my heart was broken at this point! We then did worship, where we sang a few songs from Hillsong. Unlike many Churches I've been to, even the middle-aged people would jump during the jumping parts of the songs and scream, "Woot! Woot!" whenever appropriate!
Man, the joy of the Lord was with them all, and with them all in ABUNDANCE!!! It felt so good to worship the Lord with such excitement and love! There was no opportunity for me to feel stiff and quiet, which I felt was a good thing as that's how God wants to celebrate with us!
After that, we had a sermon on Annointings, of which I feel was a long time since I had a sermon so deep and involving! Also unlike many Churches I've been to, the people listening to the sermons will shout out a great, "AMEN!" or "HALLELUJAH!" when they feel the revelation of the preacher's statements! And for one thing, everyone LAUGHS! It's not the stiff kind of setup wherewhen the preacher preaches, the floor must be silent. No, God wants you to shout with joy and raise His name when you see how He works in your life!
Pastor Daniel was very good in the preaching, and was a very funny guy, besides Pastor Prince! I felt ministered after the sermon (which was about how the annointing of the Lord will give you supernatural features), and sang more songs of praise with great joy and excitement! The leaders then gave olive oil annointing to us students for the upcoming exams, of which I felt God touch my heart when they prayed for me so I fell to the floor under His power! (Haha, pity rhe leader who had to catch me from behind... :P) IT WAS SHIOK!!!
When I got back up, along with the rest of the people, we prayed together as a body of Christ for our exams before moving on to the final batch of songs and the Offering. There were then the announcements before we were dismissed. The last announcement was about the Encounter Jesus 3 Camp, which was already fully booked but they still wanted to encourage more people to come.
Zac, David and I decided to sign u for the waiting list and see if God would like us to go as well. Now it's all up to him! We then walked our way down to the first floor to go our seperate ways. On the way, David asked me how long I've been in NCC (3 years!), of which after answering I asked him in return how long he's been in D.A.R.E.. He told me that he also hasn't been with the place for quite some time as well, and that he somehow ended up coming back on this particular day.
In my mind, I could map out a rough image on what God's plan was: The fact that He made David come only from this particular day. Maybe He heard the prayers of the Believers that they needed more cast for the musical, so you can say He answered them partially with me. And now He brings me back here to get closer with Him and learn more about Him!
It was a sweet thought! To think that God actually planned this out for all of us. Then I realised one thing: I've still made many great friends back at Prinsep. Some I'm still trying to remember their names, but nevertheless they were all very friendly. The laughters, the joys, the socialities. They were so kind!
And then I thought to myself again: Would they really miss me if I suddenly left? After all, I only joined Lighthouse and Believers for a couple of months or so. Lighthouse should be easy, since only a small cell group knows me. For Believers, I guess it might be easier since I'm only known as 'a guy who helped out in the musical'. Wouldn't be much change, right? Right?
After splitting up from David and Zack and making my way to the pick-up point to be fetched by Dad, I was 3/4 excited and happy after being touched by the Lord, and I somehow couldn't stop myself from smiling! But there was still this slight thought of confussion to which Church God wants me to join: One had all the relationships, the other had all the knowledge of God. I didn't know which to choose.
Soon enough, Dad's car came with the family inside, and I hopped into the back with my Mom. We then chatted about how the service went, and also about Encounter Jesus Camp 3 (Mom's also in NCC, so she knows what's going on around there a lot better than I do).
Once we arrived at Uncle Jo's house, we brought in the doughnuts and hat some small talk before having a tour around their renovated palace. Their dinning room was the best feature! Located beside the pool, it had a natural setting with a wide window facing the back garden and a landscape painting on one wall of a Mediteranian coast, complete with traditional wooden furnishing and minature African statues: an amazing place to eat your dinner at indeed!
I then went up to join Uncle Jo's children along with Morriel, of which we ended up watching the Asian premier of High School Musical 2. I must admit, the songs were rather catchy at certain points, and if at anytime the lyrics were inappropriate the melody is already good enough to hear! The dance steps this time were also very complicated, so I must say they put in a lot of effort in this one.
Not to reveil much, the plot circles around the wildcats having a part-time job at a hotel during the summer hollidays, of which ladidadidah happens and ladidadidah unfortunately results, but ladidadidah and everything resolves again and we're all happy again! But I thought the part about working part-time with friends during the holidays was a great idea! Spending time working together as friends would be cute!
But then again, barely any of my schoolmates would be interested in something like this: going to the great outdoors as pals and enjoying teamwork together. Sad thing, really. Sad thing.
I then joined the adults (since comparedto the kids, I was a whole lot older) and chatted along with them. I even had the honour from Uncle Jo to get a large glass of wine, even larger than what the others had! Mmm, red wine!
Soon, once the dinner was servered and the supper was delivered, we were contented and drousy. Ending off the conversations, the uncles and aunties bid each other goodbye before going to the road outside to collect their cars and head back home.
And now here I am today, revising Life Science for the upcoming exams between me andmy IB status! Lord be with me as I study (and as I try to find out which Church He wants me to join...)!
Isaiah 43:1-5!!! God bless y'all!!!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Project Megaspoof...
Project Megaspoof!!!
Dedicated to Joel, in memorance of his pains and troubles editing the History Project. Thanks goes to the original actors: Tim, Shil, Joel, JKit, Pete and Me! Most importantly, Glory Be To God!!! :D
For other news, today was a rather splendid day! Swimming was refreshing, L Sci was 'thrilling', ePOD was very social, ISO was calm, CL'B' was slightly less noizy and LangArts'A' was progressive!!! Praise the Lord! (btw, I drew the Lord onto the Homework Board today: har, har!) Also went downstairs to the new cafe by the pool with Yu Song, and had a few rounds of Billards! Made a couple of new friends to play against as well!
Man, God is good, all the time! And all the time, God is good!
Daniel 4:3!!! God bless y'all!!!
(P.S., post about Believers' Musical coming soon...)
Friday, September 7, 2007
Get down...
Just left for work, dropping off Mom to work along the way.
2. name the last person you hung out with:
Hmm, the Believers', I guess.
3. name 5 things you did today:
Wake up, wash up, breakfast, holiday homework, chat on Msn. Should have asked during the later part of the day.
4. last person u text-msged?
My tution teacher, on post-poning my tution.
5. what kind of phone do u have?
Sony Ericson K610i (Thanks, Mom and Dad!)
6. what do u smell like?
Hmm... *sniffsniff*... Fragrance le Miguel?
7. what colour are your eyes?
Hazel! Mmm, hazelnut chocolate! Haha...
8. do u have a chair in your room?
Two, as a matter a fact. Need one?
9. what are u doing tmr?
Believers' Musical - 'Thief of Always'! :D
10. do u know someone named betsy?
Sorry, wrong number.
11. do u have a dog? breed? name?
Dog? I wanna cat! Say meow, y'all!
12. do u remember singing any songs as a kid?
Yep, the good ol' days when your voice box could reach almost any note within range of center C.
13. are u married?
Nope. Will reserve that for a decade or so from now.
14. do u play an instrument?
Recorder and piano: that's as far as I've learnt, and only a small number of songs each. But I'm interested in learning guitar or saxaphone!
15. do u like fire?
It has its funs here and there, I must admit. Like blowing a crater into the road of the carpark downstairs (Ooo, I'll remember that one for a long time...). But I'm still a water person! (Yay for ships!)
16. are u allergic to anything?
Used to be allergicto cement powder and and a certain species of grass. Now I'm healthy by the grace of God!
17. do u have a crush on anyone?
Not at the moment, no.
18. do u take science all 4 yrs of sch?
I'm still Sec 2, but yeah I'm still with the sciences. Having trouble with Life Sciences (Bio) though. :S
19. do u like butterflies?
They're beautiful for mostof the time, but I still love cats! Meow!
20. do u miss someone right now?
Yep, some people actually. Not badly, but more of just a momentary memory of the past. Good ol' 4C, I'll miss y'all. But hey, let's just look forward to another brand new day!
21. do u think they miss you too?
Some of them, maybe. If they could even remember me, at least.
22. ever seen your school counsellor?
Back in Nanyang, on a weekly basis. She and my mom were good friends, so whenever we met up during recess we'd have a small talk or so. Come to think of it, almost every teaching staff in my school knew my Mom. And why? Well, because they somehow each had a turn to be her partner during MOE teacher workshops, as I've heard. Even the principal knows her well. And that placed a little social pressure on me, but I guess I played the role of 'Mrs. Myra Lee's son' well enough.
23. have you ever wanted to be a teacher?
Nah, I've seen how stressed up Mom gets with her schedules and workload, and as much as I can handle stress relatively well, I think I'm not that suited with this kinda stress. And also seeing how students can hate teachers so badly, I'm not sure if I can endure that much hatriate. Being a teacher's son, I've seen what it looks like behind the staff room's doors and I must say I have a sense of respect for teachers. More specificly, the teachers that deserve the respect (I also agree that there are some teachers within the system that do not opperate well enough to deserve the status of 'teacher').
24. what is one thing u've learnt abt life?
God is good, all the time! And all the time, God is good!
25. what is your favourite colour??
Navy blue!!! *sailor salute*
26. is anyone jealous of u?
Not that I hear off. But if there's really anyone out there jealous of me, don't harm yourself. Jealousy destroys you deep inside; I've been through that and I'm thankful God saved me in the nick of time! If you wanna know how to get whatever I've got that you want, seek the Lord (He's got everything and more to spare of whatever He gave me, surely He'll give you the smae if you believe! :D)
27. what does ur mum call u?
Miggy (Most casual)
Raemiguel Lee Fusheng (Most dangerous)
28. what do your friends call u?
You wanna know? You really wanna know? Okay, you asked for it.
Here they are (in no specific order);
French Captain
Tall Sunshine Noodle
New Kid
Michael of Spades
His Beloved
Mr. Bean
Gen. Yamashita
Lang. Arts Rep.
"The quiet muscular guy"
Boss In Black
29. what does ur hair look like right now?
Frindge brushed towards the right?
30. has a friend ever used u?
Don't know. Probably. God bless him, anyway.
31. has anyone ever told u they liked u more than a friend?
As a matter a fact, yes. My mom and dad love me very much!
Seriously, as a matter a fact, yes.
32. what have u eaten today?
Breakfast, Lunch.
33. is your hair naturally curly or straight?
Straight. Rather annoying once it reaches a certain length.
34. who was the lst person u drove with?
Family, from East Coast Park.
35. the song u've been singing most to urself recently?
When You Come Home. Like I said, I still can't get myself to stop tearing when Auntie Uli sings it: *sniff* it's... it's so touching... *sobsob*...
36. what do u currently want right now?
Now? Hmm,
1. To see as many people as possible get saved before He returns.
2. To get over with the exams as soon and as sucessfully as possible.
3. To be able to sing Ancient of Days in the right octave.
37. are u hungry? what would u like?
Ham and Cheese Creepe!!!
38. what is ur current annoyance?
The renovation works just a couple of blocks away. :P
39. are u waiting for someone right now?
Yep. For the management to complain to the renovators. XP
40. name one thing ur looking forward to this week:
The Believers' Musical - 'Thief of Always'!
41. can u make friends easily?
Honestly speaking, it's not that comfirmed. I'm a rather shy person, and find it painfully hard just to even go up to people who I highly respect and say, "Hi! Wanna go down and have a bite?" And yet, I find myself being asked the same question, of which I ussually accept and end up making friends in the process. Makes me sometimes wonder why they want me to go eat with them in the first place.
42. what would u do if your friend turned gay?
I'd tell him what the Lord says. He chose your sex, so live up to it already. And if you think you can't cope, remember God never gives a situation too tough for you to handle.
43. do u plan out what u wear the day before u wear it?
Sometimes, depending on the occasion.
44. have u ever fell for ur best friend?
Greatly respect my best friend, absolutely. God always provides enough love for friendships.
45. if u had a chance to save someone significant to u, would u?
If the Lord permits, yes.
46. how many times do u eat each day?
On a school day:
On a non-school day:
Snack Minor
Snack Major
47. how do u cheer someone up?
I just do whatever God tells me. If He tells me the que, I tell the person the verse He wants me to tell him or her, or I tell the person I'd be praying for him/her and would try to show how the situation isn't so bad. If He says nothing, I say nothing.
48. is it easier for u to fall asleep or be woken?
Fall asleep. Unless you use my Mom to wake me up.
49. think of one person, stick with it, you dont have to say the name, would u pick him/her up alone 100miles away even if it was ur birthday?
I guess, since I don't really celebrate my birthday (exception being this year).
50. have your best friends ever hurt your feelings?
There were the times. But nevertheless, they're still my best friends.
51. give two reasons why u get distracted in class:
1. Topic is too complicated, so I end up daydreaming.
2. Classroom too cold, so I fall asleep.
52. do u think its funny when ppl get hurt?
Nope. Pain is, well, a painful thing. I don't want to be the cause of someone else's un-necesary pain, even if it's towards someone who wronged me.
53. if u had to guess, how do u think ur gonna turn out in life?
With my life in God's hands, I can never be certain. But if you're asking how I'd pray for it to be, it'd go something like this;
NS was comparatively easy, physically thanks to Canoeing and phycologically thanks to Prefects.
Graduated in a nice university with a couple of degrees or so.
Met the perfect girl, (Size honestly don't matter for me: she can be as fat as Jupiter and I'll still love her. I'll only be looking for the bubbly character inside! :D {One thing I won't tolerate for physical features, though, would be if she's extremely skinny. Anything thinner than a model and I have doubts on their thermal survival.
Got the job of actor! Heh, played a few good roles. Remembered in the press as the kind and God-fearing man starring mostly in comedies but sometimes in dramas.
Family life's good! Had three kids; a daughter and two sons. Spending time together's rather easy, and once a fortnight we'd visit the grandparents at a meal somewhere worth the time! Hopefully, Mom and Dad loved the new house Choppy and I bought for them!
Christian life is very rewarding as well! Gone out for many ministry camps, helps sponser for them too, and I guess God has used me in a powerful way here. For the other small details, I think I've helped out many friends in need, and so've they for me.
At the ripe age of 55, bought myself a yatch. When my grandchildren came around, I'd sail them along the coast and teach them the art of the boat, and time after time I'd tell them stories of the great adventures God gave me back in the days when I was their age.
Died in my bed, got cremated, attendance of my cremation unknown but hopefully a great number. My urn placed in my eldest offspring's home, in loving memory of me.
(How'zat sound?)
40 secrets abt yourself, be honest no matter what.
1. what is your natural hair colour?
2. where is your default picture taken?
3. what's ur middle name?
If I had one, Serverino.
4. what colour do u hate most?
Safety Violet. Even Ultra Violet beats that colour.
5. does ur crush like u back?
I don't have a crush at this point, so let's leave the question to later on in due time...
6. what is your current mood?
7. what colour do u like the most?
Erm, Navy Blue? Didn't I just say that?
8. what makes u most happy?
Seeing God work His miracles in my life again!
9. look at a poster in your room. who's on it?
Poster, poster, poster... Oops sorry no posters. Can photos count?
10. if u could go back in time and change something, what would u change?
I believe God made the right timings for the right intentions, so I wouldn't wanna change anything or my present state may never exsist. (Heh, blending God and science-fiction...)
11. if you must be an animal for one day, what would u be?
MEOW!!!! *nibbles tuna fish*
12. ever had a near death experience?
A couple or so, I guess. Freezing to close death. Boiling to close death. Almost falling of a cliff to close death. Yep.
13. something you do alot?
14. the song stuck in your head?
When You Come Home. Aunti Uli sings it the best! *teartear*
15. what is your desktop background?
A picture of an island. Very nice to look at.
16. what are you wearing?
Green shirt from Church of our Saviour, dark green pants I just recieved from my Dad (thanks!) and my trusted Watch.
17. when was the last time u cried?
Last musical rehersal, when Auntie Uli sang When You Come Home.
18 have u ever sang in front of a large audience?
Group, yep. Sang with the Children's group 'Who Will Love the Children', which made many parents cry. Solo, however, I guess nope.
19. if u could have one super power what would it be?
20. what's the first thing u notice about the opposite sex?
Response to a new character.
21. what do u usually order from starbucks?
Hot Chocolate, followed by the cake with the most promising coat of chocolate.
22. what's your biggest secret?
Why should I tell you?
23. favourite colour?
*sigh* Nah.
24. isit sunny or raining?
Partially cloudy.
25. do u still watch kiddy movies or tv shows?
Define your boundaries of 'kiddy'.
26. what are u eating or drinking at the moment?
27. do u speak any other language?
Chinese and slight Tagalog.
28. what's ur favourite smell?
The smell of Char Kway Teow sizzling and ready for my consumption!
29. if u could describe your life in one word what would it be?
30. when was the last time u received a hug?
When I helped Morriel fold an origami chair. Worth the trials.
31. have u ever kissed in the rain?
Yep, when I kissed my aunt goodbye before leaving for my flight back to Singapore from Manila.
32. what/who are u thinking about right now?
33. what should you be doing?
Remaining homework.
34. what was the last thing that made u upset/angry?
Me messing up at the rehersals. I have every right to feel shy now.
35. how often do u laugh?
As often as I can, I guess.
36. do u like slacking in the yard?
No time. Still got work to do.
37. if u could have any last name in the world, what would u want?
38. do u act differently around ur crush/significant other?
Yeah, I guess.
39. name one song that reminds you of an ex?
How To Save a Life.
40. who was the last person to make you cry?
Auntie Uil. How many more times must I say this?
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
When You Come Home...
Sorry about the mega-lag of posts. Was going through some spiritual warfare and had some things to settle in my walk with Christ. But I think I'm better now! Praise the Lord! Now my only worries at the momment would be a) finishing my holliday homework and b) doing the best I can to addapt to the Believers. But hey, with Christ in me ALL THINGS are possible!!!
Man, I've got LOTS to post about, like a couple of funny things God showed me, my times with the Believers, some mishaps at Canoeing, maybe a sad case within the point10ers, AND LOTS MORE!!! But since exams are around the corner (5 weeks is already counted as 'around the corner' at this age...), I can't promise that this blog would opperate properly just yet. In fact, I could predict another Hibernation Period coming soon. Yep, this thing's sure deter-rotating. [For those who don't get the joke, come to the upcoming Believers' musical - 'Thief of Always'! It'll be this Saturday and Sunday (8th and 9th September) at 7.45p.m. and 4.30p.m. respectively! Venue is Paya Lebar Methodist Girls' Secondary School (296 Lorong Ah Soo)'s Concert Hall, for those girl-minded people out there, and for those typical glop-till-you-drop Singaporeans, do come early as dinner WILL be provided! So come on down and get ministered by this touching drama this Sat or Sun (or both!) to watch Tim dance and me act like a waiter in a French Restaraunt! (I smell YouTube!...)]
So anyway, to make up for the missing posts (which I will somehpw try to get posted), here's a picture I drew up for you all:
Haggai 2:5!!! God bless y'all!!! Nite!!!