Sunday, June 17, 2007

Beep, Beep...

Re-directing your call. Please hold.

Beep, beep...

"Hey, there. Sorry to keep you waiting on the line, but apparently I can't attend to my blog at the momment. Reasons are probably because I'm either eating, sleeping, training, doing holiday homework, spending time with my family, reading a few verses in my Bible, listening to another sermon, researching on World War II or stitching a few more pieces of the Union Jack together for my group's history project. I'll be back sooner or later, so if you need anything just drop by my cBox and I'll try to give back a little tinkle, K?

"I told you this was going to hapen, but no-ooo-ooo. Everyone just haaad to...

"Shush! Go on...

"Thank you. Anyway, I'll be returning soon, so just keep holding, l'right? Chao, and God bless y'all!"


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