Thursday, November 16, 2006

Major Flashbacks...

I was working at my Mom's office again yesterday. At least she allows me to bring my laptop along and provides free lunch. And this work ensures that I still get my allowance throughout the holiday. And with a raise! A 25% raise! (Don't ask how much that's worth; I still appreciate the money.) But don't get me wrong; I'm not a money-minded person. Or at least I hope I'm not... Nope, I'm not.

But while I was helping my Mom cutting the flyers, folding the flyers, chopping the flyers and slotting flyers into other flyers into other flyers, I suddenly had flashbacks from my old Primary days (If your following the American Grade System, that would be from Grade 1 to Grade 6). The good ol' days when compositions only required 180 words, when a class could be divided into different cultures like the Smarts and the Dudes, and when I was still concidered as the class's 'Multi-Oscar Winning Mr Bean'. Well, I hope I can get back to the 'Mr Bean' stage now in the Secondary hours (AGS = Grade 7-10, and sometimes it merges with High School). Somehow that seems to be fading away...

But anyway, I started thinking back on those days and thought how much God had truly blessed me with them, and how through those events He could bring me to where I am right now, besides my Mom's office.

I remembered the different 'kingdoms' that my class consisted of, like the Union of the Irritants, the DreamTeam Council, the Shooting Star Alliance and so on. Up till now I still don't know which 'kingdom' I was concidered to have citizenship with! As sociable and funny I was back then (and hopefully, still am right now), I was welcomed in most of the 'kingdoms' and was thus able to make more friends, visit the different cultures and see how the different 'kingdoms' worked. You could say I actually had an 'International Citizenship'! This was how I was able to learn many interesting skills like Rubber Band Weaponry Engineering. Now I know how to build a number of designs like the Henry Park Trigger, the Anglo-Chinese Clip Release and the Nanyang Flick. I also managed to combine the designs of the Trigger and the Flick to produce a weapon most similliar to the real thing.

I know I was reprimanded by a couple of people for actually going to visit and make friends with the Low-Life Rebbelion. I understood their side of the story as the people in the Low-Life Rebbelion were known to be quite irritating by a fair portion of the class. In fact, they even tried to irritate me for an entire Term! But personally speaking, once you find a link between them, something which both parties have in common, friendship will quickly come into the picture. I remembered how I made friends with one of the Rebbels.

It was a night during the Examination Period, and I was praying to God in bed for my results. Then suddenly the Rebbel came into my mind, and I decided to pray for him too for the hope that he would stop irritating me. The next day, I saw this show called 'Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century' and thought it was a nice show. Back then, I had know idea who this Holmes guy was. Then the day after that, the class had another paper, and it was of standard difficulty. So after the paper, when everyone was dismissed for recess, I turned to this Rebbel, who was sitting beside me during the exam, and asked him how he found the paper. He said it was "Okay".

Them I replied, "Well, I found it to be 'Elemetary, my dear Watson'.".

"What?!" he responded. "You watch that show too?!"

Then we started chatting about the previous epesode throughout recess. In due time, we soon found out that we also liked 'Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego?' and 'Spongebob Squarepants'. From then on, we were somewhat good friends. Thanks, Lord!

Then there were also games invented back then which were played after the Final Examination, when the teachers didn't really bother much about us anymore. The best game that I could remember was a game known as 'The Battlefield'. Something like Rise of Nations or Civilisation.

(2-6 Players + 1 Observer)

Materials needed:

  1. An entire classroom (This includes the black/whiteboard)
  2. A ruler (30cm ones are preferred)
  3. The playing pieces of the boardgame, 'Risk' (Troops, Horsemen and Cannons)
  4. The dices from the boardgame, 'Risk', but only one Defence dice and two Attack dices
  5. 4-9 School Files per Player (Doesn't matter if there are worksheets inside)
  6. 6 pens+issosolise set square per Player (Pen must have clip end)
  7. A token of the Players' choice to represent him/her (Phone, sharpener, wallet, ect.)
  8. Two halves of a piece of fulscap paper per Player
  9. 3 pencil box for each Player

Setting up terrain:

  • Clear off all the desk and chairs of the classroom, EXEPT the Teacher's Desk and Chair, and move them to the back of the class.
  • Claim a plot of territory. A territory MUST have an area of FOUR STUDENT DESKS and must be AT LEAST TWO DESKS APART. Choose your plot carefully; concider distances between you and your enemies or allies(if any).
  • Build a fortified wall using the school files. This wall will protect your token from the battlefield, so think carefully on construction design.
  • Fix each issosolise set square with each pen to make it resemble a plane. These 6 aircrafts will be a player's 'Airforce'.
  • Place your Barracks and Airfield in your territory. One of the pencil box being the Barracks and one of the 1/2 of fulscap being the Airfield. Every Aircraft, Troop, Tank and General starts here at the begining of the game.
  • Each player starts with 25 Troops, 6 Tanks, 5 Generals and 3 Aircrafts. The rest of the pieces go to the Observer, who in this game acts like a 'Banker' in Monopoly.
How to play:

For Player:
The youngest player starts first, and the oldest player starts last. When it's your turn, you can;

- Move your units
~You can only choose to move either land or air units per turn.
~For land units, roll the Attack dices. Calculate the total and use the ruler to move your pieces cm at any direction desired exept up or down. You can only move groups of 5-20 units at a time.
~For air units, roll all three dices. Calculate the total and use the ruler to move your pieces cm at any direction desired exept up or down. You can only move 1-6 planes at a time. When in flight, the aircraft/group of aircrafts would be 'suspended' by being placed on a chair/(s).

- Build camps at the battlefield
~If an army is at least two student tables away from its base and strikes a 12 when it trows a dice, it can build a camp or airbase where it is. But make sure you choose your location carefully; you only are allowed two barracks and an airbase to build outside you base.

- Attack!
~Roll the Attack dices. Calculate the total and measure if any enemy army is within a cm radius from anyone of your armies. If there is one, you may declare war at him!
~ For land-to-land combat:
#The Attacking army gets to roll the Attack dices while the Defending army rolls the Defend dice; the Attacking army rolls first. If both Attacking numbers are larger than the Defending number, then add both Attacking numbers together, multiply the Defending number by 2 and subtract the Defending total from the Attacking total. That would be the number of Troops that the Defending army lost in that battle. The Attacking army gets to choose which pieces to remove from the Defending army and pass to the Observer, keeping in mind that 1 Tank is equal to 5 Troops and that 1 General is equal to 10 Troops. For...

To be completed...
Thats if you want me to...

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