Tuesday, November 14, 2006

When strength is all in the mind...

Hi y'all!

Just came back from a tiring day; morning occupied by Canoeing Training (which is really cool!) and afternoon by hanging out with a few ex-classmates.

The training was really tough with weights, sprints and push-ups (in multiples of ten) but overall I guess I enjoyed it. Although canoeing would only have one or two people, or at rare occasions even four, to represent a racing party in each event, it feels a lot like a team sport as everyone in the team who aren't racing can still cheer on the racers, and believe me, the feeling of being cheered at is an awsome and inspirational touch!

And to tell you the truth, of all the places I could find God, one of them is actually in canoeing! He's always there when I paddle my main programmes, which consist of an average of paddling for 10 km. My secret is that I always say a prayer or two during the programme on what my goal would be or who I want to beat on that session. And surprisingly enough, my boat beats the record one way or another, whether instantly or in due time. Canoeing was where God thaught me more about faith. A lot more.

But after training, I had to go all the way to Great World City to meet up with a few of my friends, watch a movie and arcade. When I met up with them, I felt a tiny bit of shock as while they were my classmates, they would be shorter than me. But now, one of them is taller than me, one of them has reached my eyebrow level and one is the same height as me! I guess 13 is the ripe age for the Chineseto get their groth spur hormones working. As half a Filippino, I guess I had the advantage of growing faster earlier. But anyway, we ended up watching 'Step Up', which was quite a good show, I must admit, with the music and break dancing. But besides the movie, lots of walking/running around the shopping centre was required for certain activities. And to realise that I could end up being weary after all that, I was surprised when I kept on seeing a couple of ladies walking around with shopping bags throughout the duration of time that I was there. And to realise that my Granma from the Philippines could actually survive Orchard Road, I guess it's all in the mind when it comes to strength and desire...

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