Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Week 3-and-a-half...

I've apparently lost all documentations on what happened this entire week! The only things I can recall is Mdm's Dissapointment, 10.55 for NAPHA 2.4km, Full As Except for Sit-and-Reach for NAPHA, Teeth Extractions on Lower Right Jaw and Recieving Prefect Tees. But either than these, I can't seem to recall what else happened. Ah, well.

SO, to make up for the week, here's another quiz (Courtesy of Lamentations),

10 Random Friends.
Name them.
1.: Michael Kwan
2.: Timothy Goh
3.: Wu Junn Kit
4.: Ng Pi Wei
5.: Rong Zeng Rong
6.: Yii Zheng-Wei
7.: Alex Lee
8.: Benjamin Liau
9.: Jaira Koh
10.: Joshua Tan

Have you dated any? if yes. which?: Erm, if you haven't noticed, all the people listed are coincidentally male. And I'm male. Comprehendo?
Who do u trust most?: Ben!
Which have you known longest?: Pi Wei, since Pri 4. Good ol' Nanyang dayz! Haha!
Which are your best friends?: ALL! Friends forever, heehee...
Which are your closest?: Never really noticed. God always introduces me to a new side of my class once every while. Last year was mostly the Henry Park Boys on average, now is more towards the ACPS Comrades. But you're never certain. The Lord works in ways you never see...
How did u meet 3?: It was the first day of school in 2006, and we were all gathered in the class of 1.10 Andrew. when they called out the names on the namelist, they went to a guy by the name of Juun Kit. A timid pale boy with a British accent rose behind me and answered the teacher's call. Thinking that he was a harmlessly shy person, I thought I'd be willing to be a friend if he found trouble addapting. Now I think back to myself, 'Who you calling harmless?!'.
Would you ever date 4?: AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! GET AWAY FROM ME!!!! GHAH!!!!!!
Have you ever kissed 9?: Erm, Jai? Dude, you alright?
Have you ever been to 1 house?: Tried to twice when he tried to plan out a couple of activities, but somehow never made it. But I have Google Earth photos of it. :)
Are you taller than 7?: Nope. But according to Leon, Alex was suppose to have been a head shorter than him, half a head at least.
Do u have a crush on 8?: No. I have great respect as a Christian for the fella, but I don't think it's the equivalance of a 'crush'.
Do u have the most fun with 10?: Fun?! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! Fun! Nice pun!! Next time, define the term fun! If you'd leave it this way all I can say is, "YES!!! LOTS OF FUN!!!".
Do u care about 2?: Most certainly. He's had troubles in his life, but apparently he's been getting closer to Christ now, so I'm always at stand-by to give a helping hand. :)
Would you ever fight 5?: If gamely fighting, them maybe yes. If real fighting, then never. I'll do what I can to avoid harming the creations of God! Amen!
Are you taller than 6?: No. He's a lot larger than me, obviously.
Have you ever slept in the same bed with 3?: Sat on the same bed, yeah, but slept on the same bed, no.
Do u wish you had 4's hair?: He's got short hair, I've got medium. Our hairs work differently.
Do u have any classes with 9?: We're in the same class. Duh. Fellow sportsman!
Have you known 10 longer than 4?: More like vice versa. I only knew Toj last year, and the first conversation with him was him having pity on me for bringing the wrong PE attire. Pi Wei, like I've said earlier, was in Pri 4, and our first friendly conversation was during the Mr. Bean era. (Haha, Mr. Bean...)
What would you do if 10 and 5 were dating?: Then I'd buy their new book, Chess Exposure.
6 and 3?: I'd be watching them gaming away. May work out after all. Gaming alliances, I mean.
8 and 1?: Both are Henry Park Boys, so I think it'll be easier for them to meet up. But the term 'date' gives the twist, so I guess I have no comments.
Are you on 4's top friends?: Apparently, yes! Yay, DreamTeam!
How often are you at 5's myspace?: What's a 'myspace'?
Do you love 9?: Jai again? *shudder* Okay, I love him as a fellow classmate, prefect, sportsman, mix-raced and Christian. That's as far as it goes.
Who do you talk on the phone with the most?: Statistics show that Pi Wei's the top caller, but Tim's catching up, followed by Ben. Statistics show.
Who's house do u go to the most?: I've only been to Pi Wei's and Alex's house once each, and the rest, none.
Who do u have the most classes with?: Based on history, Pi Wei. Based on rate, Junn Kit.
Who's on your mind most of the time?: Jesus Christ, my Saviour.
Have you ever eaten in front of 2?: Every week, along with some others. You never know what happens each meal, hee hee...
Have you ever taken a picture with 6?: Yes, many OEP pictures! Good memories...
Who do u think is most likely to repost this?: Erm, almost everyone with a blog had already posted this. Sad.

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