Friday, December 1, 2006

A glimpse into 'The Instructions Mannual for Opperating the RaeM3000'...

1. Charging

1.1 Methods

1.1.1 Night-time Charging (Before 11p.m.)

1) Opperate Ceilling Fan at '1' speed.
2) Switch on Radio, opperate it at 'REP' mode and play a CD at Volume 9.
3) Insert product into Bed, lying tilted towards the side.
4) Insert Bolster in between legs and arms of product.
5) Switch product into 'DayDream' Mode.

1.1.2 Emergency Night-time Charging (After 11p.m.)*

1) Switch on Air Conditioner at 20-23 degrees.
2) Switch on Radio, opperate it at 'REP' mode and play a CD at Volume 7.
3) Insert product into Bed, lying tited towards the side.
4) Insert Bolster in between legs and arms of product.
5) Stroke feet against Bed back and forth in slow, small movements.
6) Switch product into 'DayDream' Mode.

* This will come useful if there is Canoeing Trainning the next day.
* This proceedure must be done as quickly but yet as gently as possibe.

1.1.3 Mid-day Nap Charging

1) Lay product onto any surface that is;
~ Near exposure to the Sun's heat
~ Near a Window for external wind circulation (See Chapter 6).
~ Cushioned and comfortabl.
~ Abundant with things to hug (E.g. Pillows, Bolster, ect.).
2) Switch product into 'DayDream' Mode.

1.2 Jump-starting back product

1.2.1 Auto Jump-starting**

1) Charge product.
2) Once product has a full battery, it will automatically open eyes, but will still not have conciousness.
3) Allow product to gain consiousness for another 10-20 minutes.
4) Once concious, product will automaticall jump-start itself.

** Not advised if product is required to opperate at a designated time early in the morning.

1.2.2 Handphone

1) Set the phone to 'Alarm' Mode before charging.
2) Place phone in Desk Drawer and charge product.
3) At assigned time, phone will ring. The product, irritated, will go at all efforts to get off Bed and switch off Alarm, only to walk about 2 meters to Jump-start product, giving it no reason to go back to sleep.

1.2.3 The Mom-A-BotSC90***

1) Place Mom-A-Bot90 next to Door of product's Room.
2) Mom-A-Bot90 should respond at at visual contact with product by saying, "Miggy!" a few times, depending on the urgency of jump-starting product.
3) Once product senses voice and performs Voice Recognision, product will immediately jump-start.

*** Most advised for automatic response.

To be continued...

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